
Clean with mild soap and a brush.
To remove dirt, use a specific soap such as PRO EFFLONET by cleaning with a soft bristle brush. Follow the instructions on the back of the bottle and carry out a test beforehand.
*To prevent dirt or stains from damaging your grout, apply a sealer such as PRO SEAL 2 only to the joint surface and wipe off the excess with a clean cloth.
*For best results, you can incorporate the PRO GROUT PLUS additive. It replaces water in the grout mixture during installation, making it resistant to everyday stains.

Tiles (Glossy & Matt)
For tiles, clean with mild soap and warm water using a suitable accessory such as a mop or cloth.
Avoid acidic or corrosive products as well as abrasive accessories, which could scratch the enamel surface.

Before Your Visit at the Retailer’s

Here are some tips that will save you time and make your choice of ceramics easier.

Take the room measurements, preferably in the same units of measurement. Ex: 76 x 90 inches.
Make a sketch and/or bring photos to accompany your measurements so that the consultant/designer understands the environment.
Bring samples of other existing or chosen elements such as cabinet, counter, etc. This way, the colours will match perfectly.
Find ideas for concepts by browsing through magazines or looking online, or share them with your consultant/designer.
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